
A cheating Guide for HA Proxy !



use HTTP Mode if you want to:

Forwarding Client IP Address

HAProxy Algorithms

Content Switching on URL Path

Fetch methods and What they do

Content Switching on URL Params

Content Switching on HTTP Headers


302 The current request should be forwarded to the new URL. Future requests should use the original URL.

303 The current request should be forwarded to the new URL, but as a GET. For example, if a client sends a POST request to a form that submits a shopping cart, they could be redirected to another page that shows details of the purchase, but using a GET request. This page can be bookmarked, refreshed, etc. without resubmitting the form. This is available in HTTP/1.1.

307 The current request should be forwarded to the new URL, but do not change the HTTP verb used. For example, if POST was used before, use POST again. Future requests should use the original URL. This is available in HTTP/1.1.

308 The current and all future requests should use the new URL. Do not change the HTTP verb used. For example, if POST was used before, use POST again. This is available in HTTP/1.1.
